I am evaluating to install Microsoft Dynamic GP or SAP Business One. Which of the two do you consider better or more adapted for our type of company?

I am evaluating to install Microsoft Dynamic GP or SAP Business One. Which of the two do you consider better or more adapted for our type of company?

Both products are strong, they provide technical maturity, risk tolerance, scalability and value for your money, both have module listings and/or similar features.

SAP is based on very well defined and framed processes and standards, it follows a fixed pattern. Clearly geared towards medium size organizations, with deep-rooted experience. Less flexible than Microsoft Dynamics, because it is tightly integrated. It can be quite complicated to modify it and to adapt it to business needs, which makes it difficult for some companies to enforce their standard methodologies and forces them in a certain way to stick to the best practices that are already defined. In particular, I like this because it is proven from experience with other businesses that already do what you do. But, your business must adapt to the system and not the other way around.

On average the SAP implementation time is slightly higher when compared to Microsoft Dynamics; we are speaking of the SB1 version, but this is manageable. The important thing in both cases is that it must be modeled correctly from the beginning, otherwise it will be a headache no matter which one you choose.

Microsoft Dynamics can be considered for small and medium-sized companies, since it offers low-cost options, provides a better "generic" solution, and is an all - terrain vehicle with great flexibility and adaptation, highly empowered by the wide network of vertical and customized solutions. Another important characteristic that must be considered, learning curve or ability of the solution to increase employee's productivity. In this sense, Microsoft Dynamics surpasses SAP, both due to its user interface being so similar to Microsoft Office, and its ability to increase productivity thanks to the way it facilitates processes for employees.

For both solutions, I repeat, the basis for everything going well is the initial definition of the processes of the systems with your business, accounting and company finances. You as the main owner of the company must be fully compromise in this phase with everything that it is built upwards or it will not work.  In larger companies, all people in charge for each area must be involved and committed.

It would not hurt to evaluate the option that we have of SAP By Design which is a cloud version.

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